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Administrative Order Nr. 01 of August 9, 2004

Administrative Order Nr. 01 of August 9, 2004

Administrative Order Nr. 01 of August 09, 2004

THE PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL IMMIGRATION COUNCIL, in the use of his legal assignment and aiming at clarifying the distribution procedures of processes submitted for analysis as well as reports and voting by The Council Members, decides:

Art. 1.  To delegate competence to the General Immigration Coordinator, in order to, in the form established by the Internal Regulation of this Council, to promote the distribution of processes as well as to include them in the agenda of the respective meetings.
Art. 2   To inform all Council Members.
Art. 3   This administrative order enters into effect on the date of its publication.
Art. 4   Publish it.

President of the National Immigration Council
Published in OFFICIAL GAZETA  Nr. 156 of August 13, 2004, Section 1, page 76

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